
Cedzyński M., Świerzko A.S.: Collectins and ficolins in neonatal health and disease. Front. Immunol. 2023, 14: 1328658. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1328658.

Gajek G., Świerzko A.S., Jarych D., Mikulski D., Kobiela P., Chojnacka K., Kufelnicka-Babout M., Szala-Poździej A., Chrzanowski J., Sobczuk K., Fendler W., Matsushita M., Mazela J., Kalinka J., Sekine H., Cedzyński M.: Association of low ficolin-2 concentration in cord serum with respiratory distress syndrome in preterm newborns. Front. Immunol. 2023, 14: 1107063. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1107063.
Cedzyński M., Świerzko A.S.: Components of the lectin pathway of complement in solid tmour cancers. Cancers. 2022, 14(6): 1543. doi: 10.3390/cancers14061543.

Szala-Poździej A., Świerzko A.S., Gajek G., Kufelnicka-Babout M., Chojnacka K., Kobiela P., Jarych D., Sobczuk K., Mazela J., Domżalska-Popadiuk I., Kalinka J., Sekine H., Matsushita M., Cedzyński M..: Association of the FCN2 gene promoter region polymorphisms with very low birthweight in preterm neonates. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23: 15336;
Kasperkiewicz K., Świerzko A.S., Michalski M., Eppa Ł., Skurnik M., Żuber Z., Cedzyński M.: Antibodies recognizing Yersinia enterocolitica lipopolysaccharides of various chemotypes in synovial fluids from patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. J Immunol Res. 2022, 2022: 9627934. doi: 10.1155/2022/9627934.

Krakowska A., Cedzyński M., Wosiak A., Swiechowski R., Krygier A., Tkaczyk M., Zeman K.: Toll-like receptor (TLR2, TLR4) polymorphisms and their influence on the incidence of urinary tract infections in children with and without urinary tract malformation. Cent. Eur. J. Immunol. 2022, 47 (3): 1-7. doi: 0.5114/ceji.2022.119625

Świerzko A.S., Jarych D., Gajek G., Chojnacka K., Kobiela P., Kufelnicka-Babout M., Michalski M., Sobczuk K., Szala-Poździej A., Matsushita M., Mazela J., Domżalska-Popadiuk I., Kilpatrick D.C., Kalinka J., Sekine H., Cedzyński M.: Polymorphisms of the FCN2 gene 3’UTR region and their clinical associations in preterm newborns. Front. Immunol., 2021, 12: 741140. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.741140
Cedzyński M., Świerzko A.S.: Components of the lectin pathway of complement in haematologic malignancies. Cancers., 2020, 12: 1792; doi: 10.3390/cancers12071792.

Świerzko A.S., Michalski M., Sokołowska A., Nowicki M., Szala-Poździej A., Eppa Ł., Mitrus I., Szmigielska-Kapłon A., Sobczyk-Kruszelnicka M., Michalak K., Gołos A., Wierzbowska A., Giebel S., Jamroziak K., Kowalski M.L., Brzezińska O., Thiel S., Matsushita M., Jensenius J.C., Gajek G., Cedzyński M.: Associations of ficolins with haematological malignancies in patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy and autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantations (auto-HSCT). Front. Immunol., 2020, 10: 3097; doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.03097.
Świerzko A.S., Cedzyński M.: The role of the lectin pathway of complement activation on infections of the respiratory system. Front. Immunol., 2020, 11: 585243; doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.585243.

Gajek G., Świerzko A.S., Cedzyński M.: Association of polymorphisms of MASP1/3, COLEC10, and COLEC11 genes with 3MC syndrome. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2020, 21(15):5483; doi: 10.3390/ijms21155483.

Sokołowska A., Świerzko A.S., Gajek G., Gołos A., Michalski M., Nowicki M., Szala-Poździej A., Wolska-Washer A., Brzezińska O., Wierzbowska A,. Jamroziak K., Kowalski M.L., Thiel S., Matsushita M., Jensenius J.C., Cedzyński M.: Associations of ficolins and mannose-binding lectin with acute myeloid leukaemia in adults. Sci. Rep., 2020, 10: 10561; doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-67516-2.

Jabłońska A., Świerzko A.S., Studzińska M., Suski P., Kalinka J., Leśnikowski Z.J., Cedzyński M., Paradowska E.: Insight into the expression of RIG-I-like receptors in human third trimester placentas following ex vivo cytomegalovirus or vesicular stomatitis virus infection. Mol. Immunol., 2020, 126: 143-152; doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2020.08.001.

Kasperkiewicz K., Świerzko A., Przybyła M., Szemraj J., Barski J., Skurnik M., Kałużyński A., Cedzyński M.: The role of Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 lipopolysaccharide in collagen-induced arthritis. J. Immunol. Res., 2020, 2020: 7439506; doi: 10.1155/2020/7439506.
Bąk-Romaniszyn L., Świerzko A.S., Sokołowska A., Durko Ł., Mierzwa G., Szala-Poździej A., Małecka-Panas E., Cedzyński M.: Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) in adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Immunobiology, 2020, 225: 151859; doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2019.10.008.

Sokołowska A., Świerzko A.S., Szala-Poździej A., Augustynowicz-Kopeć E., Kozińska M., Niemiec T., Blachnio M., Borkowska-Tatar D., Jensenius J.C., Thiel S., Dziadek J., Cedzyński M.: Selected factors of the innate immunity in Polish patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Immunobiology, 2020, 225: 151905; doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2020.151905.

Michalski M., Pągowska-Klimek I., Thiel S., Świerzko A.S., Hansen A.G., Jensenius J.C., Cedzyński M.: Factors involved in initiation and regulation of complement lectin pathway influence postoperative outcome after pediatric cardiac surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass . Sci. Rep., 2019 , 9(1): 2930; doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-39742-w.

Michalski M., Świerzko A.S., Sawicki S., Kałużyński A., Łukasiewicz Ł., Maciejewska A., Wydra D., Cedzyński M.: Interactions of ficolin-3 with ovarian cancer cells. Immunobiology, 2019, 224: 316-324; doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2019.01.002.
Cedzyński M., Thielens N.M., Mollnes T.E., Vorup-Jensen T. : The Role of Complement in Health and Disease (editorial). Front. Immunol., 2019, 10: 1869; doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01869.

19. Cedzyński M., Thielens N.M., Mollnes T.E., Vorup-Jensen T. [ed.] (2019). The Role of Complement in Health and Disease. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA; doi: 10.3389/978-2-88963-159-9, s. 631. – publikacja jako e-book oraz printed book

Sniadecki M., Swierzko A., Dabkowski M., Orlowska-Volk M., Wycinka E., Klasa-Mazurkiewicz D., Milewska A., Poniewierza P., Liro M., Wydra D.: New therapeutic approaches in the treatment of node-positive cervical cancer patients based on molecular targets: a systematic review. Ginekol. Pol. 2019 90(6): 336-345; doi: 10.5603/GP.2019.0062.

Eppa Ł., Pągowska-Klimek I., Świerzko A.S., Moll M., Krajewski W.R., Cedzyński M.: Deposition of mannose-binding lectin and ficolins and activation of the lectin pathway of complement on the surface of polyurethane tubing used for cardiopulmonary bypass. J. Biomed .Mater. Res. B Appl. Biomater., 2018, 106: 1202-1208

Man-Kupisinska A., Swierzko A.S., Maciejewska A., Hoc M., Rozalski A. Siwinska M., Lugowski C., Cedzynski M., Lukasiewicz J.: Interaction of mannose-binding lectin with lipopolysaccharide outer core region and its biological consequences. Front. Immunol., 2018, 9: 1498. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01498

Świerzko A.S., Michalski M., Sokołowska A., Nowicki M., Eppa Ł., Szala-Poździej A., Mitrus I., Szmigielska-Kapłon A., Sobczyk-Kruszelnicka M., Michalak K., Gołos A., Wierzbowska A., Giebel S., Jamroziak K., Kowalski M.L., Brzezińska O., Thiel S., Jensenius J.C., Kasperkiewicz K., Cedzyński M.: The role of complement activating collectins and associated serine proteases in patients with hematological malignancies, receiving high-dose chemotherapy, and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantations (auto-HSCT). Front. Immunol., 2018, 9: 2153. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02153

Cedzyński M., Kilpatrick D.C., Świerzko A.S.: Mannose-binding lectin (MBL). [w:] Complement Factbook, 2nd Edition (red.: Barnum S., Ramos T. N.), Academic Press, Elsevier 2018, 33-43.