Research interests in Laboratory of Transcriptional Regulation are very broad and are focused, on one hand, on the molecular aspects of information transfer in biological systems, and on the other hand, on the practical use of molecular and cellular biology techniques in medical and environmental biotechnology. The core of research activity carried out in the Laboratory concerns signaling pathways related to innate immunity and their modification in immunomodulation and immunotoxicity, enzymatic and non-enzymatic determinants of redox homeostasis and their regulation by cellular signals, biogenesis and regulation of active membrane transporters and their role in the pharmacokinetics of natural compounds and function of barrier tissues with particular emphasis on the blood-brain barrier, as well as the use of nanoparticles for drug delivery.
Our team’s methodological and scientific expertise includes genetic engineering of proteins and eukaryotic cells, techniques for studying protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions, transcriptomics, advanced biological imaging and high-content screening, as well as the construction and application of cell line-based biosensors. We conduct research mainly on human cell line models (including stable transfectants and induced pluripotent stem cells that we generate ourselves).