Team Leader

Prof. Maciej Cedzyński, Ph.D., Dr. habil. med. sci.


  1. 1990 – 2003: Centre of Microbiology and Virology, Polish Academy of Sciences: 1990-1991: research assistant; 1992-1996: senior research assistant; 1996-2003: assistant professor (1999-2003 acting head of Laboratory)
  2. since 2004: Centre/Institute of Medical Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences: 2004-2006: assistant professor; 2006-2021; associate professor; since 2021 – professor (since 2004 head of Laboratory)

Stays abroad:

  1. Robert Koch-Institut, Wernigerode, Germany: 1992
  2. N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: 1997
  3. Institute of Virology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia: 2000
  4. Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, National Science Laboratory, Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain: 2005, 2007, 2011, 2012

Membership in professional bodies/editorial boards:

  1. Vice-president of the Łódź Branch of the Polish Society of Microbiologists (1996-2000)
  2. Member of the National Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosticians
  3. Chairman of the Doctoral Commision, Institute of Medical Biology, PAS
  4. Member of editorial boards:  WebMedCentral; Frontiers in Immunology, Cancers, Immunobiology
  5. Member of The Committee for Immunology and Aethiology of Human Infections of The Polish Academy of Sciences
  6. Member of the scientific committee – Łódź School of Immunology

Prizes and awards:

  1. Award of Rector of the University of Lodz , 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990
  2. Medal for the best graduate student, University of Lodz, 1990
  3. FEMS fellowship to attend the IIIth Conference of International Endotoxin Society, Helsinki, 1994
  4. Fellowship of the Foundation for Polish Science for outstanding young scientists, Warszawa, 1996
  5.  IUIS award for young scientists – to attend 11th International Congress of Immunology, Stockholm, 2001
  6. Award of Director of the Centre of Microbiology and Virology, PAS, 1998
  7. Awards of Director of the Institute of Medical Biology, PAS for scientific achievements

Participation in organizing/scientific conference committees and chairing sessions:

  1. Symposium on Bacterial Endotoxin. Some Aspects of Biological Activities, Łódź, 1996 – member of the organizing committee
  2. The 1st Workshop on Microbiology in Health and Environmental Protection, Łódź, 2008 – chairman
  3.  II Polish Meeting of Young Biotechnologists, Katowice, 2013 – member of the scientific committee, chairman
  4. Baltinfect: New Trends in Immunology: From The Basic Science to the Clinical Research, Riga (Latvia), 2014 – chairman
  5. VI PhD Students National Conference of Life Sciences “BioOpen” Łódź, 2021 – special guest

Plenary lectures:

  1. II Polish Meeting of Young Biotechnologists, Katowice, 2013 – member of the scientific committee, chairman
  2. Baltinfect: New Trends in Immunology: From The Basic Science to the Clinical Research, Riga (Latvia), 2014 – chairman
  3. VI PhD Students National Conference of Life Sciences “BioOpen” Łódź, 2021 – special guest
  4. Advances in Biology and Chemistry of Bacterial Surface Polysaccharides, Kielce, 2022

Invited lectures:

  1. Institute of Virology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2000
  2. Polish Society of Expermental and Clinical Immunology, Katowice, 2003
  3. Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, National Science Laboratory, Edinburgh, UK, 2007
  4. University of Silesia, Katowice, 2009
  5. Queen’s Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, UK, 2011
  6. University of Łódź, 2011