Public defense of the Doctoral Thesis

The Institute of Medical Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Łódź informs that on July 3, 2023 (Monday), at 12.00, online, the public defense of the Doctoral Thesis entitled: “Molecular genomic analyzes of pathogenic strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli” will take place.

Prof. dr hab. Pawel Parniewski

Dr. inż. Marta Majchrzak

Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Popławski (Medical University of Lodz)
Prof. dr hab. Anna Lutyńska (National Institute of Cardiology – National Research Institute, Warsaw)

A copy of the doctoral thesis, abstract and reviews are available at the secretariat of the Institute of Medical Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (ul. Lodowa 106, room 104) and at

Notification of the intention to participate in the defense: The intention to participate should be reported by sending a completed and signed traditionally (scan) or electronically (with a qualified signature or trusted profile) Declaration of intention to participate in the public defense of the doctoral dissertation [PDF][.doc] to the following address: sekretariat@cbm., no later than 4.00 p.m. on the last working day preceding the defense. An invitation to participate with a link to the Microsoft Teams platform will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the statement.

Members of the Scientific Council and employees of the Institute of Medical Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, promoters and reviewers are exempt from the obligation to report participation. Also, the persons indicated (with the name, surname and e-mail address) by the Candidate are not obliged to submit a statement (by sending the list of these persons, the Candidate certifies that they have read the content of the Statement of intention to participate in the public defense of the doctoral thesis and accept it in full ).


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