The Institute of Medical Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences has been granted the right to confer doctoral and postdoctoral degrees in the field of medical sciences and health sciences in the discipline of medical biology

The Institute of Medical Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences is proud to announce that, by the decision of the Council of Scientific Excellence, it has been granted the right to confer doctoral and postdoctoral degrees in the field of medical sciences and health sciences in the discipline of medical biology. This is a great recognition of our long-term work in the field of medical research. We are proud of the achievements of our employees, and obtaining these qualifications is a confirmation of our contribution to the development of medical science and health.

See decision


In quest for new boron carriers for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) of cancer

Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a promising binary treatment option for certain types of cancer. The BNCT method is based on the high probability of capturing thermal neutrons by…

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Appeal for the creation of separate ministries of Science and Higher Education and National Education

The Polish Academy of Sciences, the General Council of Science and Higher Education and the Foundation for Polish Science appealed for the creation of two separate ministries: science and Higher…

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